Vanbrugh Castle School

Some Photographs from the 1970's

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Mark Fearon's Photographs

View from the Castle across Greenwich Park to the Royal Observatory

Playing Cricket in Greenwich Park(?) or RN College Grounds(?)

First slip : Carlton Evans

Long on : Paul Brady

Wicket keeper : Mark Fearon

The back of the Castle. Window boxes have been added under the dormitory windows.

The 1st X1 football team. 1973/1974

Back row : Mr Dyer (coach), Simon Quail,Mark Olner, Stephen Orme, ??, Wally Hammond,

Front row : Mark Fearon, Pedro Jones, Anthony Webb, Brian Kelly Richard Baker, Robin Lee.

Mark Fearon and Charles Menet - pictured outside the top school at Kingham Hill on the Entrance Exam day.

[Terry Towner, at VCS in the 1950's, was the first Vanbrugh boy to go to Kingham Hill to complete his school education.]